This page contains links to the online tools, videos and handouts used at our events. All materials are made available under the Creative Commons License - Attribution-ShareAlike.
3D Printing
Document: Presentation, Printing Handout (TinkerCad), Heart Pendant (BlocksCAD), Sound pendant (BlocksCAD)
Videos: Robohand, 3D Metal Printing, Printing a car, Shapeways
Websites: Thingiverse, Tinkercad, BlocksCAD
Materials: Access to 3D printer(s)
AIY Vision Day Camp
Details: All materials and troubleshooting tips are on the AIY camp page
Artistic Math
Document: Presentation, Handout: Helpful equations, Jupyter Notebooks (GitHub)
Websites: Activity - Pattern, Python Turtle, Cardioid, Make Art
Augmented Reality
Documents: Presentation, Building and MergeCube, CoSpaces Shortcuts
Websites: CoSpaces
Beauty of Fractals
Document: Presentation
Websites: Turtle Graphics, Koch Snowflake, Koch Snowflake Solution, Menger Sponge (BlocksCAD), Menger Sponge Handout, Menger Sponge Solution, Scratch Fractal Examples (not used in class)
Videos: What is a Fractal? (full video), The Freaky World of Fractals
Biometrics with the MicroBit
Documents: Presentation, Handout
Websites: MicroBit Information, MicroBit Coding
Materials: MicroBit, MicroBit breadboard
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Grades Ledger, Blockchain Game, Blockchain in Python (not covered in class)
Build your own Voice App
Documents: Presentation
Websites: VoiceFlow, Quotes Generator Demo, Poem Generator Demo, Quotes, Jokes
Cartoons from Scratch
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Scratch
Examples: Dancing Dino, Galloping Unicorn, Advanced Unicorn
Circuits and Microcontrollers
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Tinkercad Circuits
Computer Simulations for Science
Documents: Presentation, Walk & Turn Handout, Epidemic Handout
Websites: StarLogo Nova, Epidemic projects, Class links
Computer Vision with the HuskyLens
Documents: Presentation
Websites: MakeCode, HuskyLens Instructions
Materials: HuskyLens Starter Kit
Code some Chords
Documents: Presentation, Helpful Commands Handout, EarSketch Documentation
Videos: What is EarSketch?
Websites: EarSketch
Coding with Swift
Documents: Presentation, More examples and documentation
Websites: Coding environment (contact us if you need an account), Swift Fiddle
Computer Art
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Make Turtle Art, Inspiration: Math Art Demos, Fractal Demos, More Functions, Photo Filter Demos: Demo 1, Demo 2
AI inspired Demos: Magic Sketchpad, Style Transfer, GAN Image Generation, Art Breeder, Google Art & Culture
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Starting project, Solution, W3Schools Cookie Example - You can run the examples locally or on any web server.
Creating a Musical Glove
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Circuit Playground Makecode, Circuit Playground, Musical Glove Project
Crowd Sourcing
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Penguin Watch, GlobalXplorer, Whales as Individuals, Zooniverse
Custom Maps
Documents: Presentation, Presentation (old)
Websites: ArcGIS Mapping Online, Story Maps, Geocoder,
Data: Meteorite Landings, COVID-19 Data Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE , Middle School Enrollment Data, Bird Tracking Data
Cyber Security Basics
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Cyber Threat Map 1, Cyber Threat Map 2, Test your password, Steganography
Challenges: Nova Cyber Lab, Desert Oasis, Cipher Crack the Code, Be Internet Awesome
Dancing with AI
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Poseblocks, Dancing with AI, Teachable Machine
Data Mining QuickDraw Doodles
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Play QuickDraw, Drawing Completion Tool, Doodles by Country, How do people draw circles
Other Links: QuickDraw API, QuickDraw Data Set, How do you draw a circle?, Notebook with all completed examples
Documents: Presentation, Worksheets
Websites: Online Cipher Wheel, Caesar cipher tool, Desert Oasis, Agnes Driscoll, Crypto Club
Video: Bletchley Park, Encryption (complete video)
Exercise with the MicroBit
Documents: Presentation, Handout
Websites: MicroBit Information, MicroBit Coding, MicroBit Web Monitor
More websites: Emoji codes, color picker, HTML and CSS information
Materials: MicroBit
Finding Data Fast with Databases
Documents: Presentation, Account Setup Instructions
Websites: MongoDB
Foldscope Exploration
Documents: Presentation, Foldscope Users Guide, MicroCosmos, Foldscope App
Videos: Fold Scope Assembly Instruction Video, Preparing Samples Video
Materials: Foldscope
Forking, Cloning & Creating a Website with Git/GitHub
Documents: Presentation, GitHub Cheat Sheet
Websites: GitHub, Git, ORCSGirls Project Repository, Octocat Generator, GitHub Quick Start
Fun with Algorithms
Documents: Presentation, Python Cheat Sheets, Jupyter Notebooks (GitHub)
Notebooks: Lists, Bubble Sort, Solution Bubble Sort, ChiliGame
Video: BBC The Secret Rules of Modern Living Algorithms (complete video)
Fun with the MicroBit
Documents: Presentation
Websites: MicroBit Information, MicroBit Coding, Microbit Project Ideas
Materials: MicroBit, MicroBit Inventor Kit
Game Physics
Documents: Presentation, CoSpaces Shortcuts
Websites: CoSpaces
Handheld Videogames
Documents: Presentation, Picogame Library Documentation, Picogame Code
Websites: Circuit Python Editor, Example code
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Piktochart, Reliable data sources,, CIA World Factbook
Internet of Things
Documents: Presentation, Firmware Handout
Videos: What is the Internet of Things
Websites: Particle Photon Examples, Particle Coding Environment (account needed), Web Page Generator
Introduction VR
Documents: Presentation, CoSpaces Handout, Merge Cube template
Documents (old): Cardboard Handout, VR Scripting Handout
Video: McGurk Effect (full video)
Websites: 3D Drawing Pad, 3D Drawing Gallery, VR Javascript, CoSpaces
Apps: Google Cardboard (iPhone - Android), CoSpaces (iPhone - Android)
Hour Of Code: Pirate Plunder, Robot Rattle
Materials: Google Cardboard
Introduction to JavaScript
Documents: Presentation, HTML and CSS information
Websites: Try it Editor, W3Schools - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Color picker
Examples: Temperature converter
Introduction to Python
Documents: Presentation, Presentation (Mini Camp), Python Cheat Sheets, Jupyter Notebooks (GitHub)
Notebooks: Notebooks, Introduction and Make a Python Game, Word Cloud from Wikipedia, Solution Guessing Game
Websites: Jupyter, Google Colaboratory
Machine Learning
Documents: Presentation, Presentation Mini Camp, Jupyter Notebooks (GitHub)
Notebooks: Python Introduction, Fruit Classifier, Cat Classifier
Videos: Machine Learning Recipes with Josh Gordon (not shown in class)
Websites: Drawing Completion Tool, Teachable Machine (old version), Tensorflow Playground, Classifier Page Builder, Webcam Pacman (not shown in class)
Magic of Binary
Documents: Presentation
Activities: The Binary Game, Logic Simulator, Examples: Gates, Half Adder, Full Adder, Error Correction (Python), Logic Gates Error Correction
Videos: Hamming codes part 1, part 2
Making a Website using HTML and CSS
Documents: Presentation
Activities: Getting to know HTML and CSS, Flamingo page example, HTML and CSS information sheet
Making Video Games
Documents: Presentation
Websites and Materials: See Introduction to VR and Game Physics classes.
Mars Explorer
Documents: Presentation
Websites: App Lab, Numbers API, NASA Open APIs, JSON Formatting Tool
Demo Apps: Fun with numbers
Mars Explorer Apps: Version 1, Version 2, Deluxe Version (with Zoom).
Musical Glove
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Circuit Playground Makecode, Musical Glove Instructions
Materials! Solving the Puzzle from the Bottom Up
Links are on this page.
Object Oriented Programming in Python
Documents: Presentation, Python Cheat Sheets, Jupyter Notebooks (GitHub)
Notebooks: Python Refresher, Objects in Python, Game Example, Game Example Solution, Create a Card Game, Card Game Solution
Websites: Why is Object Oriented Programming Useful?, Game Example Video
Photo Editing
Documents: Presentation, Handout
Websites: Pixlr Editor, Image Processing Example 1, Image Processing Example 2
Quantum Magic
Documents: Presentation, Handout
Websites: Quantum Chess, Qubit Game - Other resources: QuanTime, Other quantum resources
Materials: Polarization filters (3D printer needed, link for filters in the description)
Documents: Presentation, Program Edison Handout
Websites: Edison Programming Environment (Python), Edison Programming Environment (Scratch)
Videos: Robot back flip, Robot doing dishes
Materials: Edison Robots
Robots - MicroBit Edition
Documents: Presentation
Videos: Robot back flip, Robot doing dishes
Websites: MicroBit Information, MicroBit Programming Environment for Robot (robot extension preloaded)
Example Code: Robot Square Example Code, Trapped Robot Example Code, Dance Example: First Robot - Other Robots
Materials: MicroBit, Maqueen robot, Maqueen robot tutorials
Smart Apps
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Thunkable, Thunkable App IOS, Thunkable App Android
Smart Trains
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Intelino Central, Intelino Scratch, Intelino trains, Scratch examples
Documents: Presentation
Data links: - (class data are generated in class using a Google form)
Video: Spreadsheet Standup Comedy
Text Mining
Documents: Presentation, Presentation (Camp), Python Cheat Sheets, Jupyter Notebooks (GitHub)
Notebooks: Python Refresher, Book Length, Most Popular Words, Most Popular Spells, Sentiment Analysis, Bonus - Star Wars
Websites: Jupyter, Harry Potter Chapter 13, TalkToTransformer
Where Do Emojis Come From?
Documents: Presentation
Websites: Emoji Maker, HTML Emoji Coding, HTML Emoji Modifiers, Emoji Explorer, Emojipedia
Videos: Who Invented Emojis?, The Apple Emoji Origin Story, Where Do Emojis Come From?
You can code
Documents: Presentation
Website: Blockly Games